mandag 2. april 2012

Aussi aussie aussie, oi oi oi

Hi! I haven't had time to update what I've been up to, so I'll give you a summary here.

I moved family two weeks ago, and really enjoy living where I do. I live about 5km away from school, and are therefore going to ride the bike to school.

A couple from my Rotary club took me on a trip last week. It took us 8 hours to drive up to Lismore where we stayed. They wanted to show me a different side of Australia, which they definitely managed to do. We went to Nimbin, Byron Bay, Bongalow, and a few other places. Those places are kind of in the middle of nowhere, and this is what wiki says about it: "Nimbin has been described in literature and mainstream media as 'the drug capital of Australia', 'a social experiment' and 'an escapist sub-culture'. Nimbin has become an icon in Australian cultural history with many of the values first introduced there by the counterculture becoming part of modern Australian culture." I really liked Nimbin, the place just had something about it. It looked like the people just lived into the day, and no one stressed around. This might be a little influenced by some drugs, but lets forget about that.

I then sat my exams as I got back, and I hope they went well! *fingers crossed*

I went down to Newcastle on saturday where I met with some exchange students. We cooked a scandinavian dinner for the family we have spent a fair bit of time with, and they where a bit suprised when we placed a whole salmon on the table. It was yummy :D

We caught the train down to Sydeny with the rest of our group, where we were going to meet the two ditricts we are going on safari with. We seem like a nice bunch of people, and are all excited to go on the trip.

Tomorrow, I've got exactly 3 months left in Australia. I can't believe how fast the time has passed!?!

Cheers, Bec

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