mandag 26. desember 2011

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Hi! Christmas 2011 is now over :(

Beside the fact that I got 21 mozzie bites on Christmas Eve, I had a wonderful Christmas Day. After a nice sleep in, the day started with a 3-course breakfast. Yoghurt with cherries, english muffin with Christmas ham and then croissant. While christmas music was playing in the background, we then unwrapped our presents. Thanks to everyone!

After my trip to PNG a have got a new point of view on many things. I have always thought that some people get far too much for christmas and don't really worthship any of them. But it really irritates me to see how much some people get for christmas. A plasma tv, a car, the third phone in one year, thousands of toys +++ Don't people realise that some people hardly have clothes or food to survive??

It soon was 1 pm, and we went to "Nana's" for lunch. Turkey, pork with crackle, potatoes, pies and plum pudding for dessert. We left there at about 4 pm. My older host-sister and her husband came over and we opened some more presents. And then, at 6.30 pm, we went out for dinner. I was about to explode, so a light salad was enough.

Today, Boxing Day, we went to the movies where we watched War Horse. I really enjoyed the movie. I've neer been in such a full theatre before. 289 tickets were sold!

- Beccy

A short summary of my Christmas 2011. One I won't forget :)

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