lørdag 24. desember 2011

Merry Christmas!

I spent yesterday making a gingerbread house, and other Christmas things with my host-mum. It nearly took all day, but it was lots of fun!

Here in Australia they celebrate Christmas on the 25th, not on the 24th as in Norway, and it seems like Christmas is all about eating. We are first having a "Christmas-breakfast" here, then going to "Nana's" for lunch and then to my host-mum's sister for dinner.

And hey! Something must be wrong with the world. In Norway they don't have a white Christmas, and we don't have the really hot Christmas everyone has promised me for ages. But I don't really mind 20 degrees instead of 45 :)

I also took a photo with Santa at Greenhills today. Finally one tradition they have here :D We had to wait nearly one hour, and the average age of people around us probably was 10. And Santa couldn't believe that I was about to take my first "photo with santa" at the age of 17.

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates on the 24th - I have to wait another day :)

- Beccy

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