fredag 23. desember 2011

Christmas Down Under

To dager til jul i Australia.

Christmas in Australia is definitely different to the one in Norway. The big day is the 25th, not the 24th as in Norway. So one more sleep than normally! I've already opened one present though. It was the one I got from my secret santa at school. I got a pack of Tim Tams, a koala, some soap and a picture frame with a lovely picture we took in Newcastle. It now sits on my bedside table :)

I went to Hunter Valley Gardens with my host family on thursday. It was absolutely beautiful! So many different figures and themes. Even though I in the beginning found it a bit weird with all the lights on the houses here, I really enjoy it now! After all the gingerbread making, and christmas music 24/7, I actually am in a Christmas mood now :D 

Jeg fikk en liten julehilsen fra Norge i dag, og ble så rørt at to-tre tårer trillet. Jeg husker første gang de sang denne sangen. Jeg var sent ute til en bandøving. Rommet var mørkt, og i midten sto de tre som begynte å synge - gode minner! Disse tre er vel kanskje de herligste jeg kjenner. Gleder meg til å se dem igjen om 52 dager.

I got a christmas greeting from Norway today. It was so moving that two-three tears trickled down my cheek. I remember when they first sang this song. I was late for a band rehersal. I came in and the room was dark. They stood in the middle and began to sing - good memories! They probably are the most wonderful people I know. Looking forward to see them again in 52 days.

By the way, I'm going to make a gingerbread house with my host-mum tomorrow - wohey!

Merry Christmas to everyone!!

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