onsdag 21. desember 2011

So this is Christmas

Jepp, only three days until Christmas eve - really? I was quite surprised when I discovered it on the calendar this morning. I'm not in a christmas mood at all. But the good thing is, I'm sharing that feeling with nearly every exchange student. I spent the weekend with the inbounds and outbounds from scandinavia. We wanted to introduce some of our christmas traditions like "Pepperkaker" to them. Two of us made the the dough, and I thought ginger bread dough would be the same in every scandinavian country, but the Norwegian and Finnish version looked different to each other - both where good though!

We used lots of different shapes like the moose I brought with me, some ninjas but also traditional ones like stars and hearts.

We went to Mayona Bay where we had fish'n chips and an ice cream from Peter's ice cream shop. Afterwords we had a game of touch footy. It reminded me of how we used to play it with the kids in PNG, and how much I actually miss them.

I'm also moving house with my 2nd family today. It didn't look like it just a couple of hours ago, but the house is nearly empty now. They invited their friends over on Sunday for a "Goodbye-lunch-thingy" were I met two from Switzerland and a lady who went on exchange to Germany and who works as a german teacher now. I think she had the best german of us four, because the three of us who should speak fluently used english words all the time!

I finally found "Jul i Blåfjell" on the internet. A traditional Norwegian christmas series for small children. Well, I know that I'm not 7 anymore, but I still love it! I've watched every year, and know all the songs. It wouldn't become christmas without it.

- Beccy

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