mandag 27. februar 2012


I've been really busy lately so I haven't had much time to keep up to date on a whole heap of things. I'm not going to go in much detail of what I've been up to, but I just wanted to give you guys a brief overview.

- I went back to school which actually was really nice. I didn't have much time to spend with my school friends during the holidays, so I was good meeting them again.
- My parents arrived in Sydney on the first of February. My first host dad and I drove down together and picked them up. It was a bit strange in the beginning, but it didn't take long before everything was back to normal. I showed them a bit around the area, and we also had a BBQ with all my four families + counselor before they took off to Adelaid.
- I went down to Sydney with the finish exchange student and a couple from my club. We went camping on Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour. It wasn't quite what we expected, but we still had a great time. I'm not going to write lots about it, but Liisa has, so if you want to read more about it, just have a look here: Thursday, Friday, Saturday. It was a great weekend!
- I stayed in Sydney two more nights together with my parents. I did the bridge climb together with my dad again. I think the original plan was that both, my mum and dad, were going to do it together, but because my mum is scared og hights I had to step in - "unfortunately". And we looked at a show in the Sydney Opera.
- My three best friends from Norway arrived early Monday morning. I was so happy to see them again!! My mum and dad had rented a house at Nelson Bay, so we drove up there.

- We went on a dolphin cruise on tuesday :) It also included snorkeling. So we swam amongst sharks, big sting rays, fish ++
- One of my friends went to school with me on Thurday (even with a uniform on) hihi - I think she enjoyed it though!

- Jumping a bit in time.... Saturday. After only two band rehersals we did a gig in Newcastle. It was great to be on stage with them again and we were pleased with the crowd. We got about 50 people to come, which was great! :D

- We did a fundraiser for the PNG project on Sunday. Together with a few others I cooked a beautiful lunch, and I think everyone enjoyed it.
- We spent the day in Newcastle/Chrlestown on Tuesday. Shopping with the girsl :D
- I again meat them at Newcastle Beach on Thurday and we then drove down to Sydney early Friday morning. We spent the last hours in Sydney before they left at about 7pm. I've had a great time with them, and it was good to show them what my life is like at the moment. They had two busy weeks, but now they know what it is like to be an exchange students. It might look like a holiday, but it sure isn't!

That was a short summary of the last few weeks! :)


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