fredag 27. januar 2012

Harry Potter Exhibition

I spent yesterday in Sydney with my three host sisters and my host parents. We went to the Harry Potter Exhibition which was absolutely great. It might sound weird but I have in some ways grown up with the story. The first movie was my first movie ever watched at the theater, and the books were probably the first books with more than 200 pages I read in english. Anyhow, they had done a good job with the presentation of the costumes. They also had Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans which I obviously had to buy. I can now proudly say that I know what earwax and vomit tastes like. Hmmm ^^,

After a two hour trip back from Sydney we naturally had to watch one of the movies. Harry Potter and the philosophers stone - how I love that movie!

I've also been watching the Australian Open nearly every night. It seemed to be the stupidest thing when I first started to watch it with my family, but I got right into it in the end.

Back to school tomorrow - woho...

- Bec

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