onsdag 26. oktober 2011

Back to the future

Hi everyone! I haven't really had much time throughout the last couple of days, and I won’t have much spare time in the future weeks either. I have now been here for 3 months and 11 days, and I have never through my whole life done so much over such a short period of time. I'll give you an idea of what I am up to the next weeks, and don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to all these things! I am so thankful to all these people who are making this possible for me, especially my first host family! Words can't describe how thankful I am, and if you wouldn't own a flower shop, I probably would send you 100000 flowers!

We spent the weekend in Sydney, where my host dad and I climbed the Harbour Bridge. It was an absolutely fantastic view from the top, and I would recommend everyone who hasn't done it to do it! Have you ever wanted to say something but you can't? Well, I experienced that as a lady introduced herself to me in Norwegian and wanted to have a chat, but I seriously couldn't get out one Norwegian word! Embarrassing!

We were invited to my third host mother on monday, and she made an absolutely great dish. We had a lovely time, even though it was confusing with two Becs at the same table :P I am still pretty busy. Rotary yesterday and tonight, the other exchange students are coming over on friday to stay until saturday. We are then having a quick meeting for PNG, and are leaving for New Zealand just one hour later. Then, when we are back again, I will be here for 4 days before we are going to Port Macquarie on saturday and sunday, and are then leaving to PNG on monday the 14th of november! Back in Australia I then have another week of school before we have a final briefing at Tocal, and after that I am moving to my second host family. The weekend after I am going to Cockatoo Island with some members of my Rotary Club. After another week I actually am off school for a month! Summer holidays in December, how good is that? - and within a few seconds 5 months are gone and I only have 6-7 left! You may understand why I really love, and need my calendar!?!

We got baby chickens last week. Seven really cute fluffy feather balls are now running around in the chuck shed! I saw an echidna on sunday night! We are getting closer to summer, but are still in spring with "just" 35 degrees. I seriously don't know how I am going to survive summer!

- Beccy

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