lørdag 3. mars 2012

Exactly four months to go... wæææ

... one question? Where did the last eight months dissapear to? Today, in exactly four months, I'm heading back to Norway. I can't believe how fast the time has passed. Of course there were these days where it felt like the time was standing still, but hey, we all have some of those.

So yeah, four months to go... Such a weird feeling. I'm going to be so happy when I meet my friends and family back in Norway again, however it's going to be so much harder to leave my friends and families here in Australia. I knew, when I left Norway, that I would see them again in one year. It's not going to be like that when I leave Australia. That's the downside of going on exchange to the other side of the worl...

I'm now looking forward to the next four months, and I'll make the most of them, that's for sure!


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