onsdag 25. januar 2012


I have no idea where the holidays disappeared to. But when I think about it: 6 months feel like one week, so 5 weeks are only a few days. I've been busy all the time, done travelling, been out with friends, but also with my host family. I also wanted to use this opportunity to thank all those people who make this year to what it is. It wouldn't be half as good without my lovely host families, my friends, Rotary and to everyone else I've spent time with. THANK YOU!

As mentioned before, our outbound students have now started their exchange. It is great to see that they are enjoying their first days overseas. While staying with some friends in Newcastle we spoke to the one who is Norway at the moment. He's actually staying with my family for one week, and it was soooo weird to see him sitting on his computer in my room. I don`t mind him staying there at all, but it just felt so weird that he was there. I mean, I saw him in Australia just a few days ago, and now he's sitting in my room. I just can't get my head around it. haha.

The weather has been pretty bad lately. It has been raining and raining and raining. Some people say it is the coldest and wettest summer over the last 51 years.

It's Australia Day tomorrow!! woho!

- Bec

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