søndag 15. januar 2012


I can't believe that six months gave gone so quick! It feels like I arrived yesterday, in a positive way. I have had such a great time, and the thought that I have less than six months to go scares me. There are so many more things i wanna do!

I spent the weekend in Sydney with my host family coz my sister came back from her exchange in Austria today. It was so cute when she arrived. We were all looking at some people next to us who were waiting for their daughter/friend to come home. They had brought their instruments along and had written a song - it was sooo nice! We were looking at them, and suddenly someone behind us said "Hi Mum!". There she was in her dirndl! We felt pretty bad for not seeing her, but anyway...

I think we walked like 10000 km around Sydney on Saturday. We went to the aquarium, to the botnical garden, the Governor house and to the Opera house. After six months here, I finally had a look inside it :D Great day, even though my feet are killing me.

Together with one of my friends I had my first surfing lesson on Friday. It looks so easy, but it is not! The lesson lasted for 80 minutes, and I managed to stand up once. My muscles are still really sore, and I got this massive bruise on my arm. But I definitly want to learn it!

- Bec

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