torsdag 1. mars 2012


Hi guys!

I'm back to my real exchange life :P

My parents stayed with my host family and me after my friends left friday night. I desided to actually do some homework on saturday because I still haven't given up the plan on making this year count in Norway. I can't believe how hard they make it for us though!? They all want us to go on exchange, but can't ensure that we can continue in the next class when we get back. They expect us to pass all exams and follow a normal students life. They obviously haven't been on exchange, otherwise they would have known how hard it is. First of all: the language. It probably easy for me because I knew a fair bit of english beforehand, but it's still really hard, and I do not want to imagine how it is for those who went to Japan, Spain or something rather. Anyway, I did a bit of homework which I handed in Monday. And hey, one thing I'm really proud of: I got 25 out of 30 point for my english speach!!! :D :D

On Sunday we then went to Caves Beach. A beach with lots of caves (obviously) created by the water. We had lots of fun, and it's great to have a host sister who's kind of as weird as what I am. We put seaweed on our head as hair and climbed around in the caves. "Small things amuse small minds".

I had another day off school on monday (obs) coz I went to Stockton beach with my parents. It was their last day in Australia. We also had lunch at a nice sea food restaurant in Newcastle before they drove down to the airport. So I'm now back to my real exchange life down under. It freaked my out a bit when the said "See you in four months!". I can't believe it! I've only got 4 months to go!?!

I went to my belly dancing class in the evening, and I might be able to learn a little bit by the end of this term. It's great fun, even though I might look a bit silly ;D

- Bec

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