lørdag 21. januar 2012

Good, but also bad news from PNG. Let's start with the good one...

The cleaning of the hospital has already shown it's results. During our trip in November we cleaned, painted and delivered Mother & Baby packs to encourage women into the Clinic to give birth. Thier history showed 8-10 births a month. During December they had a record of 21 births, and 6 during the first week of January. Thanks to the team who worked so hard cleaning and painting and everyone who donated items for the Mother & Baby packs. Together we can make a difference!

I was really looking forward to go to PNG again in March, for many reasons. To continue the work we started, to meet my two sisters and friends again are only two. It is with great disappointment and frustration that we have to postpone our volunteer trip to PNG in March 2012. With the upcoming elections in PNG we feel it is best that the visit be postponed until after the elections are settled later in 2012. The team will continue to work on the project from home with a view to returning later in 2012.  Because I'm leaving Australia before the text trip, I might not be able to go back, even though I would love to.

I got a letter from a girl in PNG yesterday which was really exciting. I sent one to her a couple of weeks ago, and I'm now going to send her two activity books (english and maths).

Today I'am again going to Sydney. I've probably been there six times during the holiday, and I'm going again next week. We are going down to the airport to see off the outbounds who are starting their exchange. It has been a great time with them!

- Bec

1 kommentar:

  1. I know how disappointing and frustrating it is not to be able to continue the voluntary work of the team in March, but "together we can make a difference" by continuing the work from "home" (in Australia and here in Norway) and postpone the actual trip to a later date. Be assured that we will support all of you also in the future - with financial and other help. And if there is the chance of you being part of the team again, we will be there as well to help you turn your commitment into reality.
