lørdag 1. oktober 2011

Something about time

My holidays have been really great, and something I definitely needed! The time here in Australia kind of stands still, but at the same time the time goes so so fast! I didn't do anything on monday, and it was sooo nice! The weather isn't that good, but on the only really nice day, tuesday, I went to Newcastle beach together with some of the exchange students. I also met my school friends there, something I really persuaded. We drove down to Sydney at 6 am wednesday morning. The truck was packed with all the stuff for PNG, and we dropped it off at "Donations in Kind". I also went to the doctor and found out that I have to take 4 different injections for PNG. I am looking forward to the trip sooooo much!

I met some of the exchange students at Charlestown (a big shopping sentre) on thursday, and after some time, we decided to stay at Joackim's place. Again it was the Scandinavian countries who ended up together - suprisesuprise!

Previous students say that the "Big trip" is the highlight of the year. And finally we got the program for our trip. Just amazing! The Australian trip is called the Capricorn Ramble, and covers 10 000 km all around Australia. We will leave the 18th of April and visit all states besides Eastern Australia. Our district is going to travel with two other districts from Sydney, so we will be about 40 together in one bus.

I'm going on a kind of camp tomorrow, so I will be away the whole next week. We are also going to set the time an our ahead, so the time difference from Norway to Australia will be 9 hours, and when you set the time an hour back in Norway it obviously will be 10 hours.

 Cya in a week! Beccy

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