fredag 22. juni 2012


My exchange is slowly coming to an end. I have officially only got 10 days left in Australia. The goodbyes started a little while ago, and everytime I have to say goodbye to someone, it gets worse. However, I still hadn't realised that I am about to leave until a few days back. I got a note at school saying I had to come to the front office, so I did. Well, I just thought I had forgotten to sign in or something rather... but no... they told me I had to bring in all my school books, uniform and laptop on tuesday to sort out all the paper work, and sign out! Holy doley! I'm sure my heart stopped for a few seconds in that very moment.

Another thing... Like, going on exchange was the best thing I ever chose to do, and the mood roller-coaster has been part of my last year. Nevertheless, it hasn't been as bad as now. This one day, I was talking to a few people on facebook... half of them told me they could not wait for me to come home and were getting all excited, the other half would wish the day never came. So there I was, shmuck bang in the middle - what am I supposed to feel??

So yeah, I'm going home soon. wæææææ :O :O :D :D :( :'(

fredag 8. juni 2012

I thought I had been busy during the last 11 months, but I never thought the last month would to be the worst of all of them (in a good way).

I went to the blue mountains with Liisa and her previous host family. It was so pretty there, and reminded me of Norway. The trees were all loosing their leafs, and the colours were beautiful. We stayed in a cute little cottage only a few minutes away from the three sisters. We went on several walks, a got to see quite a lot in only two days.

I celebrated my birthday last week. It was a great day, or maybe a week? I took a while before all the celebrations had taken place. We went out for dinner on my actual birthday. I went out in Newcastle, which was a lot of fun. We also had dinner at Hog's Breath during the weekend.

 Finally, after close to 11 months, I made it to Singleton. We had our last scandinavian dinner, which again turned out really nicely. Wednesday, Liisa and I, caught the train down to Sydney to see the Sydney Lights (Vivid 2012). We had two great days down there. We started by wandering around in the city, before we went down to the Quay where the light show started at 6pm. It was raining a fair bit that night, but we enjoyed it anyway.

I've now got 24 days left, which freaks me out, but also makes me happy. It's really hard to understand for anyone who isn't going through our situation.